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Opinion & Analysis Fission Uranium Corp T.FCU

Fission Uranium Corp. is a Canada-based uranium company and the owner/developer of the high-grade, near-surface Triple R uranium deposit. The Company is the 100% owner of the Patterson Lake South uranium property. Its Patterson Lake South (PLS) project, which hosts the Triple R deposit, a large, high-grade and near-surface uranium deposit that occurs within a 3.18 kilometers (km) mineralized... see more

Opinion & Analysis (TSX:FCU)

Fission Uranium's exploratory drilling hits success right out of the gate

The Energy Report March 24, 2017

VIDEO: Fission Uranium: "Uranium Prices Today are Unsustainable and Irrational"

Commodity-TV March 8, 2017

VIDEO: Fission Uranium: "Everybody Is Watching The Uranium Spot Price Instead Of The Long Term Price"

Commodity-TV January 24, 2017

Uranium stocks gain big as Kazakhstan cuts production

The Energy Report January 20, 2017

{Interview} Ross McElroy – proven people, award winning deposit, Fission Uranium

Maurice Jackson January 16, 2017

VIDEO: Fission Uranium: "Our Share Price Is Following the Uranium Price"

Commodity-TV December 5, 2016

NexGen Energy Ltd, best house in a bad neighborhood

Peter Epstein October 25, 2016

Fission Uranium builds momentum on high-grade PLS assays

The Energy Report September 30, 2016

VIDEO: Is This the Best Uranium Project in the World?

BTV-Business Television September 16, 2016

Six mining companies to watch as M&A heats up

The Gold Report July 22, 2016

The making of an Athabasca rockstar

Palisade Global Investments July 13, 2016

Fission Uranium – investors: we have a strategic partner and strong drill results! ! !

Maurice Jackson May 9, 2016

VIDEO: Fission Uranium: Finding New Zones East & West - Resource Update Coming Q3 2016

Commodity-TV March 21, 2016

Gold and lithium companies that are sizzling hot

The Gold Report March 10, 2016

VIDEO: Fission Uranium: Well Financed through CGN - Huge Drill Program in Progress to Increase Resource

Commodity-TV March 8, 2016

Did Mark Cuban and the Dow just prove goldbugs right?

The Gold Report February 17, 2016

VIDEO: Fission Uranium: CGN Deal Closed - "Best Partner for the Best Deposit"

Commodity-TV January 29, 2016

VIDEO: Fission Uranium: Further Drilling & Updating Resource in 2016 Plus Strategic Investment of $82 Million

Commodity-TV January 22, 2016

Fission Uranium vs. Denison Mining: The Ups and Ups of The Uranium Sector

Palisade Research December 17, 2015

VIDEO: Fission Uranium: "We Still Think the Denison Deal Made Sense"

Commodity-TV December 11, 2015