July 05, 2011 10:42 am
I ran across this web site several years back and found it very informative to whats going on behind the scenes. Some of you might find it of interest going down the rabbit hole. It's the manipulation that turned me to T/A, no matter what scoundrels there are out there T/A without emotion pays off 80% of the time IMO. I wish you, your trades and investments well... GLTA out there
"In 2006 a CJR editor (a seasoned journalist formerly with Time magazine in Asia, The Wall Street Journal
Europe, and The Far Eastern Economic Review) called me to discuss suspicions he was forming about
the US financial media. I gave him leads but warned, “Chasing this will take you down a rabbit hole with
no bottom.” For months he pursued his story against pressure and threats he once described as,
“something out of a Hollywood B movie, but unlike the movies, the evil corporations fighting the journalist
are not thugs burying toxic waste, they are Wall Street and the financial media itself.”
His exposé reveals a circle of corruption enclosing venerable Wall Street banks, shady offshore
financiers, and suspiciously compliant reporters at The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, CNBC, and The New
York Times. If you ever wonder how reporters react when a journalist investigates them (answer: like
white-collar crooks they dodge interviews, lie, and hide behind lawyers), or if financial corruption interests
you, then this is for you. It makes Grisham read like a book of bedtime stories, and exposes a scandal
that may make Enron look like an afternoon tea.
By Patrick M. Byrne, Deep Capture Reporter"