February 09, 2012 12:28 am
This stock (v.sky) is going to recover. Since April 2011 it declined from 0.45 to 0.07cents! It showing signs of recovery, and has gained 35% again.
This thing is going to move soon and I just posted an inspirational message for Stikine holders
Why this company has a shot at greatness
Stikine is a company that has the potential to become the first frac sand supplier in British Columbia, Canada.
I will let that sink in for a while...
The probability of this company succeeding, in my humble opinion, is higher than it failing. Why? They are dealing with Sand; which has to have a certain size/diameter to be useful in the extraction of shale gas deposits, simple really. Now I have worried about the crush test results myself, but Stikine has already established that the sand is suitable for frac sand drilling in a small lab setting. All is well!
The Real Issue
Can Stikine attract the necessary investors to build the infrastructure required to build the mining site? My answer is yes, of course, but the real issue is "when". Stikine is just waiting, ready to pounce and that is it! Ready to hit the mother load! This game is about getting the big boys, the gas companies, to notice the potential savings of having a local frac sand supplier and funding the project. "When" this occurs, we've hit the mother load.
We need some faith in here! We need to be stern and not give into the fear of losing money! When Canaco Resources Inc. (cve:can) was at 6 cents after the 2008 disaster, only a few people had that iron will to see it through to the end. Guess what, when Canaco hit 6 Dollars in 2010, those guys became Multi-Millionaires. They are probably sitting in their fancy properties in Shaughnessy and British Properties as you read this.
They deserve it! They really deserve it, because they had FAITH!
You deserve it too..
"But you gotta have faith!"
Your fellow investor M4verick