January 08, 2010 03:58 pm
BNT-V I've been following this company for some while now. I just recentlybegan to built a nice position on it also. The merger is planed to goahead on the 15th with XOR, which as we all know has a nice little minethey want to put back into production. First barrier is to de-waterthe mine. When they announce its completion I am sure the stock pricewon't be where it is now. Just based on that little piece of info Ispeculate. With further due diligence I will continue to add to myposition as long as I continue to like what I see. Good luck to allwho speculate on this company. I believe in the management to get thejob done....now its almost sounding like an investment....I had betterbe careful.
Please do your due diligence.