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Bullboard Post History

by Casavantsghost


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:And very suddenly BOOM: the expected PR$

fd has an answer guy? Daaaa hellll? StairwayTo wrote: Nothing wrong, just...

November 18, 2020


RE:Pack your bags Carlton wrote: We are now departing the tsx.v...

November 18, 2020


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:And very suddenly BOOM: the expected PR$

Seriously what is wrong with you? Are you 2? fdfd12 wrote: Or the update...

November 18, 2020


RE:the video

If the link in your response is the one you posted, it's odd that it...

November 9, 2020


RE:Got Tunnelling?

Nice find Sparky!!! chooch wrote: Someone needs tunnels. https://twitter...

November 9, 2020


RE:RE:RE:I am out

I'm putting my money on the meat puppet being mentally challenged...

November 8, 2020


Your ingnore of Bummager has excited even it.

Time is too short to success to have your drivel take up space. You had to go...

November 8, 2020


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: Peter has a surprise in store for us after funding closes .

If one has done their due dillilgence and especially listened to Peter in his...

November 8, 2020


RE:RE:RE:food for the longs.

I think this is the video here?

November 8, 2020


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: Peter has a surprise in store for us after funding closes .

You made a statement about companies not spending a billion dollars on...

November 8, 2020


RE:Recent Global Mining comment

I need you to sell your stake in the company. I cannot have going through...

November 8, 2020


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: Peter has a surprise in store for us after funding closes .

Ok, so you are not a very bright individual but you are probably very nice...

November 8, 2020


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: Peter has a surprise in store for us after funding closes .

You own a cell phone? canyousayiii wrote: Please elaborate on what the RF...

November 7, 2020


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: Peter has a surprise in store for us after funding closes .

You are incorrect. Company I work for is about to spend $10 billion on RF...

November 7, 2020


RE:RE:RE:RE:Drosrite International

It's time to flush you now. Thouest protest too much. You’ve exposed...

November 6, 2020


Time to circle the wagons

Ladies and Gents, I've appreciated so much analysis from so many...

November 2, 2020


RE:Maybe this is the "HE" Bernard mentioned in interview?

Krazy good catch. Who knows.. Could be.. They had big news last week that...

November 1, 2020


RE:RE:The coming pension crisis

For those of you under 50, if this thing we are in hits like we all expect it...

November 1, 2020


RE:The coming pension crisis

Ron, the unfunded pension liability issue is going to hit like a hammer...

November 1, 2020


RE:RE:Billions in contracts $$$

That’s his opinion and yours is yours. We do not know what we do not know...

October 30, 2020