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Bullboard Post History

by sudzie191


RE:RE:RE:RE:Sent to IR : Monday? What?

All I know so far is that they intend to have this presentaion at the TSX, as...

September 28, 2015


RE:RE:RE:Sent to IR : Monday? What?

Make sure to pass on to all who intend to attend to bring the voting forms to...

September 28, 2015


RE:RE:Sent to IR : Monday? What?

Mtg was announced to me by DML IR, whihc is why I suggested you call them...

September 28, 2015


RE:Sent to IR : Monday? What?

Rich may not know about it yet, wuz cooked up today I think Phone DML IR if...

September 28, 2015


RE:RE:k, top question for mtg Oct 5th

Just talked to them on the phone, gave them that question. If you don't...

September 28, 2015


k, top question for mtg Oct 5th

Next Monday, mtg being arranged at the TSX in Toronto so for all to meet Dev...

September 28, 2015


FCU and NXE neck in neck

at 60-61 WHo wudda thot

September 28, 2015


RE:RE:Stockhouse market and bullboard updates

Or try a different browser A lot of folks are tuning in to see the latest on...

September 28, 2015


Well the good news

Mars once had an ocean, lots of water

September 28, 2015


Gee if a 2008 like meltdown

Maybe we get FCU at 20 cents, be a good buy there, but here not too bad...

September 28, 2015


A few buyers

ignoring the exchange ratio, stashing some cheap shares in da cupboard for a...

September 28, 2015


Who here intends to go to the AGM?

Be nice to have a scrutineer

September 27, 2015


When was Fissions last AGM

Seems there was one in June 2014, can't find one since

September 27, 2015



didn't wanna spoil my birthday tomorrow just in case its a hassle. Can...

September 27, 2015


RE:While FCU share price is tied to DML

Couldn't resist............ Can I vote NO in the Federal election too! ...

September 27, 2015


While FCU share price is tied to DML

You can probably load the boat without having to chase the price up. My boat...

September 27, 2015


The best thing to do now is

get the price of uranium to $65/lb ASAP Just trying to be practical

September 26, 2015


Its not over till its over

We do not want any surprises if the vote in fact is no Obviously DML and...

September 26, 2015


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Looking forward

Yes on flow thru shares I think the money is supposed to be spent on what it...

September 26, 2015


Saving my voting til Monday

Don't want any weekend mixup shenanigans, plus Monday is my birthday so...

September 26, 2015