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Bullboard Post History

by wasitreallyok


It's all about the green

To be able to make a real difference in getting a green agenda in motion is...

January 10, 2022


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Supply chain in jeopardy! Stelco in Crisis!

My, my Arthur02 I bet you also play the banjo... just a guess

January 7, 2022



uncleron sounds like a turd, looks like a turd, smells like a turd...flush...

January 7, 2022



Why don't you just stick to posting PYR or HPQ info and quit clogging up...

January 7, 2022


RE:RE:Supply chain in jeopardy! Stelco in Crisis!

To their own...really get a life. Just because you bought a kiddies...

January 7, 2022


Pretty happy

I have had RY in my account mix for quite sometime, and don't plan on...

January 6, 2022


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Patience "couldn't care less about the EBH2 process "

Patience123 let us know when you are finished digging yourself a hole too...

January 5, 2022


RE:RE:RE:Patience "couldn't care less about the EBH2 process "

You are way too funny patience123 seeing you just responded uncleron...

January 5, 2022


RE:Patience "couldn't care less about the EBH2 process "

Nice to see Uncleron starting the New Year with some great posts with some...

January 5, 2022


RE:RE:Up nicely in the U.S. today

Koooo - yes we will see, if it hits your predicted levels a lot of people...

January 3, 2022


RE:RE:RE:NDA ( non disclosure agreement

There had better be an agreement that the chinese are not allowed to...

December 31, 2021


RE:NDA ( non disclosure agreement

Exbomertrainair wrote: I found that one of PYR engineer disclosed Vale Brasil...

December 31, 2021


RE:KRAKEN HALT Next 2-Weeks ?

Midtowns explaination is just another of many opinions. It could have been...

December 30, 2021


Knowing how to navigate an elevator

mollyriley - great work knowing when to hit the buy button when the stock is...

December 30, 2021


RE:RE: So who took advantage of the "rookie rally" and sold today

llocanuck - congrats are the number of shares you had bought and at the...

December 30, 2021


RE:What ever

Fan - hard for this board to get any stupider. All the Best In the coming...

December 30, 2021


RE:RE:Share holders continue to "DUMP" as the day progresses !!!

RetireAt55 - one thing we will never know is if the spike in price and volume...

December 29, 2021


RE:Down 50% since Monday.

All depends what side of the border you are looking at from the northern side...

December 29, 2021



That was yesterday... today was a different story.

December 28, 2021


We will soon see

About 18 hours before opening tomorrow. Will there be a news release? Will...

December 28, 2021

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