Top Bullboards post:
“I disagree. I worked in the corporate office of a large corporation and there is a lot of care in what is said and not said in press releases. The company did respond to the compliance department - fact is any stock that traded as Nuvo did today would be required to respond. Fact the company has clearly stated that they know of no decision yet by the FDA. To me at least they have said volumes - that any movement in the share price this morning was a result of market trading, i.e. speculation and was not founded on concrete news.
Management is on the hook if they lied so I am a lot more comfortable with that statement IMO,” from consultant99 on the Nuvo Research (TSX: T.NRI, Stock Forum) board.
Top Bullboard:
Nuvo Research (TSX: T.NRI, Stock Forum) received the most reads, while Decade Resources (TSX: V.DEC, Stock Forum) gathered the most posts on a day its stock plunged 45%.
Top blog:
YeOldGoldNugget attempts to answer the question why are gold, silver and the commodities hot, in the Orko Silver Blog.