Top Bullboards post:
“The mining minister [of Ecuador] was actually at PDAC [in March] and Mr Washer [President and CEO] invited me to a meeting to hear him speak,” noted bailey2 on the Dynasty Metals and Mining Bullboard. “I did not go due to time constraints, however I am told that It was all very positive. You have to understand that this is a country with no mining infrastructure and it's a matter of tripping over their own feet until they get it right. Speaking to management a few months ago, they were also very frustrated, but through it all they have never stopped working. This has come right from Mr Washer to myself. They will in the end be rewarded for their wait and thus all the shareholders. The value of the gold in the ground per ounce is being priced absurdly low. It's almost a joke.”
Top Bullboard:
Potash company Allana Resources (TSX: V.AAA, Stock Forum) was the most-posted to Bullboard, closely followed by Noveko Interenational (TSX: T.EKO, Stock Forum), the supplier of masks and hand sanitizers.
Top blog:
littleguy123 tackles the debate of whether or not gold is in a bubble in his Outside the Market blog.