Neo Lithium Corp (
Forum) announced today drill results from the ongoing drilling program at the Company’s Tres Quebradas lithium brine project (3Q Project). The 3Q Project is located in Catamarca Province, Argentina.
The main target for current exploration is known as the Northern Target. It is an area originally identified through surface sampling, which yielded an average lithium concentration of 895 mg/l, as well as 7,694 mg/l of potassium concentration. The approximate dimensions of the target area are 4 km by 14 km.
The seasonal drilling plan was to be comprised of five drill platforms in the Northern Target, with two holes drilled from each platform. In addition, the Company planned to have three drill platforms situated outside of the Northern Target, also with two holes drilled from each platform. Results from four drill holes from the Northern Target and two drill holes from outside the Northern Target are now available.
Highlights include hole PP1-D-5 (Northern Target) which yielded an average lithium concentration of 1,024 mg/l over 63 meters, including 1,400 mg/l over 20 meters, and drill hole PP1-D-3 (south of Northern Target) which yielded an average grade of 528 mg/l of lithium over 192 meters. The latter result extends the area of known mineralization, indicating the potential for considerable expansion of the lithium deposit.
Neo Lithium has also conducted pump testing to collect data on aquifer flow rates. Further information can be found
The Company was recently in the news yesterday when it announced that
GHD Engineering has been retained to complete a PEA on the 3Q Project.
FULL DISCLOSURE: Neo Lithium Corp is a paid client of Stockhouse Publishing.