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DMG Blockchain forms Cryptocurrency partnership with D-Link Canada

Stockhouse Editorial
0 Comments| March 5, 2018

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DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc. (TSX: V.DMGI, OTC: DMGGF, Forum) and D-Link Canada have agreed to partner to establish best practises for the Cryptocurrency Mining industry.

Together, with a group of field engineers from D-Link and industry experts from DMG, the two parties are working towards optimizing crypto mining networking, including hash rate stability, network security and switching performance, all in an effort to create a more efficient and profitable mining operation through best practises and smart hardware choices.

More information can be found here.

DMG Blockchain was in the news recently when the company said DMG provides power update for flagship Cryptocurrency mining facility.

Full Disclosure: DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc. is a paid client of Stockhouse Publishing

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