With a Big Overhaul Planned for the SAT®, Kaplan Test Prep Survey Finds that Parents are More Likely than High School Students to Think the College Admissions Test Needs a Shake-Up
It’s no surprise that teens and their parents have differing views, but
on the topic of shaking up the SAT, high school students are decidedly
-- and surprisingly -- more “old school” than their parents. In a recent
Kaplan Test Prep survey, teens showed an overwhelming resistance to
moving the test from paper and pencil, with 81% of teen respondents*
against the SAT going digital, while 65% of their parents supported a
change to a computer-based format.** (NOTE: The SAT administrator has so
far only signaled unspecified changes to the test’s content, not its
Following an announcement from the SAT administrator that major as-yet
unspecified changes are in store for the test, Kaplan Test Prep surveyed
high school students and parents about whether they think the SAT needs
to be changed. Nearly half of parents responded they believe it does
(45%), compared to 39% of surveyed high school SAT takers. In contrast,
just 19% of surveyed parents think the exam should stay as is, versus a
near double percentage (35%) of surveyed SAT takers who opted for no
change. Remaining survey respondents were ‘unsure’.
The most notable difference between student and parent views were in the
responses to the question “Do you think the SAT should change from its
current paper-and-pencil format to a computer-based test?” A strong
majority of parents (65%) would favor the change in format, while only
10% of students responded yes. Today’s generation of teens, raised on
computers and digital devices, expressed an overwhelming preference for
sticking to a paper and pencil test (81%), raising concerns about being
able to do ‘scratch work’ on math problems, lack of typing proficiency
for essay writing, the challenges of looking at a computer screen for
four hours, and potential technical difficulties. A sampling of comments:
“With a paper test, it's much easier to write down your work and
thought process on scrap paper, which would be considerably more
difficult to do on a computer.”
“It is easier to think with a paper in front of you. Computers, even
if you can't do anything else on them, are distracting and make
students want to do other things. I like to write on papers and be
able to see the whole reading passage, not scroll down a page.”
“Because it's just so much easier to take that way... And its faster.
You can flip back and forth pages much easier, and everyone knows that
it's much easier to take a test when you can write on it. An online
SAT would be a nightmare.”
“Because staring at a computer screen for a four hour test is not
healthy for one.”
In contrast, parents believe their kids prefer computer, citing “quicker
results” and noting “kids feel more confident at a computer screen these
days,” “most kids are used to computer,” “kids are of the computer age
and it is more relevant to them.” One parent in favor of going to a
computer-based format said, “I think that's the direction this world has
taken and it would be easier to make changes this way.” That theme of
modernization was common among parents in favor of the switch. Parents
who opposed any change expressed concern that without a paper trail,
answers and tests could get lost.
Aside from strong support for going to a computer-based format, parents
in favor of changing the SAT vary widely in opinion on what exactly
should change. The strongest recurring theme was that the test content
needs to be relevant with the times: “Topics more relevant to the new
economy,” “Not sure, but it should keep up with the times,” “more
relevant questions,” “Questions that are more modern,” “our tests need
to be updated & modern,” “more questions that reflect today’s society,”
“should be changed every few years as the world progresses to update”
were among the many comments in this vein. Another recurring theme
expressed by parents, but far more so by students in favor of SAT
change, is the desire to see the test shortened. “Make it shorter” was
echoed repeatedly throughout the comments, with many students advocating
elimination of the essay section.
Jeff Olson, Vice President of Data Science at Kaplan Test Prep, noted
that the earliest cohort to potentially be impacted by a new SAT would
be the class of 2016, or today’s freshmen, who may see an SAT aligned to
Common Core Learning Standards. “While the SAT administrator has not
given specifics on proposed test changes, all indications are that a new
SAT will see content that’s aligned to Common Core Standards and put a
greater emphasis on college readiness skills,” said Olson.
For more information about the upcoming changes to the SAT and Kaplan
Test Prep’s survey, please contact Russell Schaffer at 212.453.7538 or russell.schaffer@kaplan.com.
For updates on the changes, visit www.kaptest.com/satchange.
SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not
involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
*From a Kaplan March 2013 e-survey of 396 students who took a Kaplan SAT
course and took the March SAT.
**From a Kaplan March 2013 e-survey of 302 parents whose high school
children will take or have taken the SAT or ACT®.
About Kaplan Test Prep
Kaplan Test Prep (www.kaptest.com)
is a premier provider of educational and career services for
individuals, schools and businesses. Established in 1938, Kaplan is the
world leader in the test prep industry. With a comprehensive menu of
online offerings as well as a complete array of print books and digital
products, Kaplan offers preparation for more than 90 standardized tests,
including entrance exams for secondary school, college and graduate
school, as well as professional licensing exams for attorneys,
physicians and nurses. Kaplan also provides private tutoring and
graduate admissions consulting services.
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