Hon. Jim Prentice, Vice Chairman of CIBC, says Canada's interests are
best served by a continued open and free energy marketplace
HALIFAX, April 30, 2013 /CNW/ - CIBC (TSX: CM) (NYSE: CM) - Canada must continue to fight for a North
American energy marketplace that is free of national and sub-national
impediments, says the Honorable Jim Prentice, Senior Executive
Vice-President and Vice Chairman of CIBC.
Speaking to the Maritimes Energy Association in Halifax, Mr. Prentice
said that the unprecedented evolution of the North American energy
marketplace in the last five years has made energy independence a
reality - a reality that will have a lasting and positive influence on
both the prosperity and the security of North America.
But he told his audience that the rapid increase in U.S. domestic oil
production means that the American need for Canadian energy is
declining. "What we cannot afford to do as Canadians is to take our
energy relationship with the U.S. for granted," said Mr. Prentice.
"That means being vigilant in watching for and resisting impediments to
its function and health. In particular, we must resist the emergence of
sub-national standards that threaten to infringe on both the spirit and
the letter of our free trade agreements. We must stand against American
interests who seek policy outcomes that would game against Canadian
energy producers.
"And so it is incumbent on us as Canadians to remind them of their
commitment to a free and open energy marketplace - and of the benefits
that this market has brought and will continue to bring. Interventions
by government, while well meaning, are nevertheless potentially
damaging and counter-productive."
He noted that Canada has the potential to develop 25,000 MW of
hydroelectricity over the next 25 years, including more than 3,000 MW
from the Lower Churchill Project. Lower Churchill would create more
than 16,000 person years of employment in Atlantic Canada and deliver
sufficient power not only to meet the needs of the people of
Newfoundland and Labrador but also for export through the Maritime Link
to Nova Scotia and other jurisdictions.
Protecting the ability for Lower Churchill and other hydroelectricity
projects to have free market access to U.S. jurisdictions is in both
countries interests said Mr. Prentice. "If we work together and clear
away the growing number of irritants, we can produce a cleaner energy
system - with Canadian hydro serving as a storehouse of North American
energy, available as needed at the flick of a switch.
"A greater reliance on Canadian hydro would also position the North
American continent to secure not only an economic but also an
environmental advantage - achieving meaningful emission reductions even
as our prosperity continues to grow, and enabling our continent to
achieve the benefits of a low-carbon future ahead of other
jurisdictions. It is therefore essential that Canada strive to ensure
the U.S. marketplace remains open to our hydro exports."
Mr. Prentice believes that it is important that the Canadian and U.S.
federal governments establish working groups with real teeth that would
set bi-national policies and agreements that advance our shared
competitive advantage. He would also like to see the elimination of
"discordant regulations that, in the end, will aid in advancing the
prosperity of neither country".
"Canada must respond to the continent's new energy reality by pursuing
its own geopolitical interests as one of the world's largest energy
suppliers," said Mr. Prentice. "We can press for a continued, open
continental market while at the same time moving with purpose to meet
the current and future needs of our existing and potential customers.
"If we play our cards right, there will be profound opportunities for
Atlantic Canada and for our country as a whole."
A copy of Mr. Prentice's speech is available at: http://files.newswire.ca/256/PrenticeSpeech.pdf
CIBC is a leading North American financial institution with nearly 11
million personal banking and business clients. CIBC offers a full range
of products and services through its comprehensive electronic banking
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United States and around the world. You can find other news releases
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PDF available at: http://stream1.newswire.ca/media/2013/04/30/20130430_C9975_DOC_EN_26169.pdf
Kevin Dove, Head of External Communications at 416-980-8835, kevin.dove@cibc.ca.