Performs large-scale micromagnetic simulations to analyze the microstructures of magnetic materials
Tokyo, Dec 10, 2013 - (JCN Newswire) - Fujitsu today announced the immediate release in Japan of FUJITSU Manufacturing Industry Solution EXAMAG LLG Simulator V1(1), the world's first(2) commercial magnetic simulation software package, which is compatible with massively parallel computing.
In addition to incorporating massively parallel computing techniques that have been refined over many years by Fujitsu Limited and Fujitsu Laboratories Limited, the new software combines micromagnetics(3) with a finite-element method(4). This enables the analysis on a PC server of complexly structured magnetic materials with dozens of times more volume than could previously be analyzed.
Furthermore, this software can be used to develop new magnetic materials or to design magnetic devices, helping cut down on the number of physical prototypes needed, thereby contributing to reduced environmental impact.
Magnetic materials are widely used in magnetic devices, such as the magnetic heads of hard disk drives, memory devices, DC/DC converters, and wireless charging systems. Achieving optimal designs for these devices that meet demands for high functionality and efficiency by taking into consideration the properties of magnetic materials has become a significant challenge. For example, stability is just as critical as recording and play-back performance in the magnetic head of a hard drive, necessitating analysis of the magnetic characteristics of magnetic materials as well as the microstructure of the device.
Micromagnetics, which enables the analysis of the microstructure within magnetic materials, is the optimal way of performing such an analysis. This method, however, not only requires the magnetic materials to be divided into extremely small regions on the order of several atoms in length, it had, up until now, also required the use of an orthogonal grid, posing calculation limitations in the case of complex structures. As a result, this method could not be fully utilized.
To overcome these issues, in addition to implementing massively parallel computing functionality, the new software combines micromagnetics with a finite-element method, enabling it to handle magnetic materials with complex structures, and thereby making it possible to perform large-scale micromagnetic simulations.
Features of EXAMAG LLG Simulator V1
1. Implements massively parallel computing functionality
In micromagnetics calculations, to perform analyses that take into consideration the microstructure of magnetic materials requires that the area being calculated be divided into extremely small regions on the order of one nanometer(5) in length. Due to this, the calculations require massive amounts of memory and a considerable amount of time to complete. To analyze the microstructure of magnetic materials, the new simulation software uses MPI parallel computing(6). As a result, the calculations can be performed at high speed, while enabling the effective use of memory across multiple x86 servers to achieve massive calculations involving over ten million grid nodes.
2. Micromagnetics calculations based on a finite-element method
Conventional micromagnetics calculations have used an orthogonal grid. As a result, there were limits on the level of precision that could be achieved in calculations on magnetic materials having complex structures. By using a finite-element method, this software can perform optimal calculations involving magnetic materials with structures that are difficult to express using an orthogonal grid, as well as calculations involving the microstructure of magnetic devices with complex shapes.
(1) LLG Simulator:The magnetization equation of motion derived from three physicists, Landau, Lifshitz, and Gilbert, is called the LLG equation. The simulator in the new software is based on this equation.
(2) World's first: As of December 2013, according to Fujitsu's own research.
(3) Micromagnetics: A method of analyzing the fine structure of a magnetic material. In a computer simulation, if the magnetic material is divided into regions the size of a few atoms, the computing time is enormous.
(4) Finite-element method: A method of numerical analysis. Widely used in structural analysis and magnetic-field analysis.
(5) Nanometer: One nanometer is one millionth of one millimeter.
(6) MPI parallel computing: A computational method that uses a Message Passing Interface library and connects multiple computers together in a network to process a calculation in parallel.
About Fujitsu Limited
Fujitsu is the leading Japanese information and communication technology (ICT) company offering a full range of technology products, solutions and services. Approximately 170,000 Fujitsu people support customers in more than 100 countries. We use our experience and the power of ICT to shape the future of society with our customers. Fujitsu Limited (TSE: 6702) reported consolidated revenues of 4.4 trillion yen (US$47 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013 For more information, please see
Source: Fujitsu Limited
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