RNS Number : 2393Y
Avanti Capital PLC
13 May 2016
13 May 2016
Avanti Capital plc ("Avanti" or the "Company")
Conditional disposal of investment in Mblox Inc.
Avanti is pleased to announce that MBlox Inc. ("MBlox") has today entered into a definitive merger agreement with
CLX Communications AB (publ) ("CLX"), under which CLX will acquire 100% of the shares in MBlox for a cash consideration of US$117
million, on a cash-free and debt-free basis (the "Transaction"). Completion of the Transaction is not subject to any regulatory
approvals or financing, but is subject to certain other customary conditions for a transaction of this size and type. Completion
is expected to take place in early July 2016.
Pursuant to the Transaction, Avanti has conditionally disposed of its total investment in MBlox, comprising both
equity and debt. The carrying value as at 31 December 2015 of the Company's total investment in MBlox was approximately £3.36
million. The consideration for the total investment in MBlox is approximately US$3.8 million (approximately £2.6 million),
payable in cash, subject to customary escrow arrangements for a proportion of the consideration. Accordingly, the Company will
recognise a loss on disposal of approximately £0.8 million. On completion, the sale proceeds will be retained in the Company's
bank account.
A further update will be provided in due course, including completion adjustments pursuant to the Transaction. In
addition, an update will be provided in respect of amounts payable to Odyssey Partners Limited, the Company's investment advisor,
following completion.
In accordance with paragraph 5.6 of the AIM Note for Investing Companies, which forms part of the AIM Rules, where a
company admitted to trading on AIM disposes of all, or substantially all, of its assets (which would include the disposal of
Avanti's investment in MBlox), it has a period of 12 months from the date of the disposal to implement its investing policy. If
this is not fulfilled, the Company's shares will be suspended from trading on AIM.
Avanti Capital
Tel: 020 7299 1459
Richard Kleiner
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited
Tel: 020 7886 2500
Andrew Potts / Atholl Tweedie
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange