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Hudson Technologies Joins Russell 2000® and Russell 3000® Indices


Hudson Technologies Joins Russell 2000® and Russell 3000® Indices

Hudson Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: HDSN), today announced that it has been added to the U.S. broad-market Russell 3000® and Russell 2000® Indices, effective at the market close on June 23, 2017, as part of FTSE Russell’s annual index reconstitution.

The Russell 3000® index measures the performance of the 3,000 largest companies in the U.S. equity market. Membership, which remains in place for one year, means automatic inclusion in the Russell 2000® Index, which measures the performance of the small-cap segment of the U.S. equity market.

Kevin J. Zugibe, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hudson Technologies, commented, “We are pleased to have been added to the Russell 2000 and Russell 3000 Indices. Not only does it reflect our ability to deliver continued growth and industry leadership, but it also provides an opportunity to increase our overall visibility among key institutional investors.”

Russell indexes are widely used by investment managers and institutional investors for index funds and as benchmarks for active investment strategies. Approximately $5.7 trillion in assets are benchmarked to the Russell Indexes.

About Hudson Technologies

Hudson Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of innovative solutions to recurring problems within the refrigeration industry. Hudson Technologies’ proprietary RefrigerantSide® Services increase operating efficiency and energy savings, and remove moisture, oils and other contaminants frequently found in the refrigeration circuits of large comfort cooling and process refrigeration systems. In addition, the Company sells refrigerants and provides traditional reclamation services to the commercial and industrial air conditioning and refrigeration markets.

Investor Relations:
Institutional Marketing Services (IMS)
John Nesbett/Jennifer Belodeau
Hudson Technologies, Inc.
Brian F. Coleman, President & COO