CALGARY,AB / ACCESSWIRE / November 13, 2018 / CANEX Metals Inc.("CANEX" or the "Company") (TSX-V: CANX) is
pleased to provide comments on the geology andstyle of mineralization at the Company's Gibson Gold-Silver Project
followingobservations made during the recent 2018 drilling program.
The Gibson Gold-SilverProperty is located in north central British Columbia, 50 kilometres west ofthe Mount Milligan Cu-Au Mine
and 40 kilometres southeast of the Kwanika Cu-Audeposit.The property sits within anorthwest trending belt of alkalic porphyry
deposits and related prospectslocated within the prolific Quesnellia Terrain. Gibson contains base-metal rich quartz veins and
breccias hosted inhornfelsed sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Lower Jurassic TaklaGroup.The mineralization is locatedwithin
about 500 metres of the contact of the Early Jurassic HogemBatholith.CANEX Metals has the right toearn a 100% interest in the
property from Altius Resources Inc. by issuingshares and spending $500,000 on exploration.
In October 2018 the Company completed 10 drill holes at Gibson andexcavated two trenches.Assay resultsfor this program have not
yet been received and are expected in 5 to 6 weeks.The drilling successfully intersected zonesof quartz-sulfide veining consistent
with those described in historic drillingfrom the zone.
Observations from drill core indicate quartz-sulfide veins andbreccias occur along fault zones which locally contain altered and
mineralizedrhyolite dikes.Larger veins containpronounced halos of clay and sericite alteration, grading outward into anassemblage
of chlorite, epidote, calcite, and pyrite.Veins range from less than 0.2 metres to over2.5 metres wide and contain quartz and
calcite with variable amounts ofsulfides consisting mainly of pyrite, sphalerite, and galena, with minorchalcopyrite and
arsenopyrite.Sulfidecontent in veins ranges from trace amounts up to 50% or more.Drilling and trenching show mineralizedzones occur
along both flat and steeply dipping fault structures, locally withmultiple episodes of veining, brecciation, and fault
movement.Some holes hit up to 5 separatequartz-sulfide veins showing multiple veins within the main Gibson zone.
Photographs from the2018 Gibson exploration program are available here and in the photo
gallery on the Company's website at photographs show the new zone
discoveredin Trench 10, the drill rig used for the program, and examples of drill coreshowing quartz-sulfide veins and breccias
along with vein textures.Many of the veins contain coarse banding ofsulfides and quartz, including crustiform banding and cockade
textures.The bandedtextures, the association with quartz-carbonate-sulfide veins and brecciaslocally with open space fillings, and
the pronounced clay-sericite alterationhalos grading outward into propyllitic assemblages are all features consistent with an
epithermal style system.Analogies for this style of mineralization inBritish Columbia include the Bruckjack Mine, the Lawyers Mine,
and the SilbakPremier Mine.
The Gibson Prospect
The Gibson prospect is 887 hectares in size and located in central British Columbia, approximately 95 kilometres northwest of
Fort St. James.The area is accessible via a network of all-weatherlogging roads.Gibson contains epithermalgold-silver base metal
mineralization hosted in highly altered sedimentary and volcanicrocks adjacent to the Hogem Batholith.The zone was discovered and
explored by Noranda Exploration Company from1989 to 1991.Noranda drilled 9 holeswith 8 of the 9 holes intersecting significant gold
and silver mineralization.The best drill intercept returned 4.26 metresgrading 6.77 g/t gold and 1828 g/t silver.Prior to the 2017
trenching program by CANEX no follow up trenching ordrilling has been conducted at Gibson since the highly successful Noranda
program.Knownmineralized zones at Gibson are located within a strong soil anomaly 850 metreslong by 500 metres wide, and only a
small portion of that anomaly has beenexplored by trenching or drilling.
The Noranda drillresults are reported in BC Assessment report 21762 for Noranda ExplorationCompany by Stewart and Walker
(1991).This drilling was done prior to NI 43-101 and should be consideredhistoric in nature.The results have notbeen verified by
CANEX and should not be relied upon.
About CANEX MetalsInc.
CANEX Metals is a Canadian based exploration company focused onacquiring and advancing high grade gold and silver deposits in
stable miningjurisdictions.Company Management has aproven track record of exploration success, with key personnel being involvedin
discoveries in Mexico, Newfoundland, and British Columbia.CANEX has optioned five British Columbiaexploration projects from Altius
Resources Inc. and Altius is a significantshareholder of the Company.Please visitour website at for additionalinformation.
Dr. Shane Ebert P.Geo., is the Qualified Person for CANEX Metals and hasapproved the technical disclosure contained in this news
Shane Ebert
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