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MagIndustries (T.MAA) up 12% on China funding news

Stockhouse Editorial
2 Comments| November 21, 2013

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Top Bullboards post:

“Wow. I feel so sorry for those that have braved this nasty story. Myself included. I honestly thought this was it for all of you. I will disclose I have no interest in this company any longer and no I do not have any inside knowledge,’’ writes jyengi in the MagIndustries Corp. (TSX: T.MAA, Stock Forum) post.

Top Bullboard:

Barisan Gold Corp. (TSX: V.BG, Stock Forum) was the most popular bullboard.

Top blog:

Blogger thedaveOil notes that Canacol Energy Ltd. (TSX: T.CNE, Stock Forum) is going to #3 in Colombian oil reserves very soon.

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