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Burcon, Canopy, dynaCERT - how cannabis, proteins and hydrogen improve the world

Mario Hose Mario Hose, Apaton
0 Comments| January 27, 2020

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Innovations continuously change our lives. Entrepreneurs around the globe are trying to make things happen, developing products and technologies that are designed to improve everyday life. Business areas that are scalable are particularly successful. Once a product is ready to go into production and can be sold in countless quantities, it is tantamount to a license to print money. Such topics are particularly exciting when the ingredients grow naturally or already occur in nature and only a technical process is required to create a new end product.

Burcon NutraScience replaces animal products

Last Friday, Nestle (SIX: NESN) announced that the company will work with Burcon NutraScience (TSX: BU) in the future. Nestle plays in the premier league of food producers and relies on its product universe to meet customer needs. In times of climate debates, manufacturers and consumers are also questioning factory farming. Based on that, proteins are in demand that can be considered as milk and meat substitutes.

Nestle's scientists have now decided to work with Burcon NutraScience because the company has already invested a lot of time and money in developing technologies to add natural ingredients to Nestle's food offering. Nestle reported sales of EUR 63.9 billion for the first nine months of 2019. In this context, the potential of Burcon NutraScience is correspondingly high, as the company is currently valued at EUR 114.24 million on the stock exchange at a share price of EUR 1.30. The meatless competitor Beyond Meat has a market value of EUR 6.7 billion.

Canopy Growth with cannabis products

The cannabis plant has long been considered a natural medicinal plant and the more exciting is the industrial use of active ingredients that can be extracted from it. Canopy Growth (TSX: WEED) is one of the largest companies in the industry and has done worldwide pioneering and educational work in recent years to promote the acceptance and legalization of cannabis products. In addition to the legal groundwork, education in the context of the product offer is also necessary for potential customers.

The company is able to extract the desired active ingredients from the cannabis plant using technical processes and then use them in products accordingly. This business model is also scalable. With a share price of EUR 20.55, Canopy Growth has a market value of EUR 7.2 billion.

dynaCERT makes mobility greener

dynaCERT (TSXV: DYA) has developed a hydrogen technology for retrofitting, which allows existing diesel engines to save up to 19% fuel while reducing emissions of pollutants. From distilled water, the unit produces hydrogen as needed and then adds it to the combustion as a catalyst. This significantly increases the efficiency of the diesel engine, resulting in up to 88% less NOx and up to 55% less particulate matter being emitted. CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 9% and, on top of that, CO2 certificates are to be made tradable via the company's own platform in future.

The economic advantages for the owners of diesel vehicles of all kinds are enormous and the environment is also protected. The technology of dynaCERT was finalized in 2019 and in 2020 the distribution with well-known partners and investors will be expanded. Worldwide there are about one billion diesel engines - a huge market for dynaCERT. At a share price of EUR 0.64 dynaCERT has a market value of EUR 218 million.

We would like to point out that Apaton Finance GmbH, the owner of, as well as partners, authors or employees of Apaton Finance GmbH may hold shares in the aforementioned companies and that there may therefore be a conflict of interest. Further details can be found in our ´Conflict of Interest & Risk Disclosure´.

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