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BioNTech, Bayer, Valeo Pharma: Share price jump ahead of quarterly results

Mario Hose Mario Hose, Apaton
0 Comments| September 29, 2020

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Investors' expectations of developments can drive the share price. When it comes to solving a problem or creating needs, the interest of the capital market is particularly high. Things get exciting for investors when the business model offers the possibilities of scalability. Attractive investment opportunities can be created in the fields of health and medicine, which offer extraordinary return opportunities.

All signs point to success

BioNTech (NASDAQ: BNTX) and Valeo Pharma (CSE: VPH) are addressing the issue of the corona pandemic in two different ways. BioNTech is investing a lot of money in research, development, and testing to get a vaccine against Covid-19 ready for the market. The company is also simultaneously building up production capacities to be able to market the highest possible number of vaccine doses as quickly as possible. In the race for a vaccine, different interests come to the fore.

Of national interest

Whoever first brings a vaccine against Covid-19 onto the market will not only have demonstrated competence but will also pave a responsible way out of the restrictions for politicians and industry. Once a vaccine is available to the general public, it is the individual responsibility of citizens to ensure that the protective measure is implemented. The state has thus fulfilled its duty. Those who do not follow the advice and the solution are likely to be more or less left to their own devices, with the consequences.

Much upside, little downside

Valeo Pharma takes a different approach, as it does not carry out its research and development, but focuses on the marketing of drugs that have already been proven to be effective. Valeo Pharma usually works with smaller biotech companies whose focus and expertise are in research and development. With a portfolio of nine different compounds, the company can now generate revenues without being exposed to research risks. From the investors' perspective, this approach means diversified and steady growth.

Investors position themselves

In response to Covid-19, Valeo Pharma has recently launched the commercialization of Hesperco. According to experts, the active ingredient contained in Hesperco strengthens the immune system and can therefore be used to prevent Covid-19. The product is particularly suitable for the target group that does not want to opt for vaccination and is considering alternative options as a replacement. The share price can gain 13.8% to CAD 1.32 in the run-up to the quarterly results. Operating results were announced today after the close of trading in Canada. The company has been invited to a conference call tomorrow, Wednesday 30 September 2020.

Waiting for the upturn

The Bayer Group (FSE: BAYN), on the other hand, could not attract any attention for a specific active ingredient in the context of the Corona pandemic. However, the company is broadly positioned in the agricultural and pharmaceutical sectors and is expected to benefit in connection with an economic recovery in the coming year. Historically, the company's share is valued at around EUR 55.00, which is low and currently demands a great deal of patience and understanding from investors.

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