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New Junior Explorer ‘Well Positioned’ in Historic Gold Reserve Projects

Dave Jackson Dave Jackson, Stockhouse
1 Comment| October 18, 2019

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The world’s most iconic precious metal has rebounded in 2019. Yes, gold is back.

Kore Mining Ltd. (TSX: V.KORE, OTCQB: ERHAF, Forum) is a TSX-listed junior gold explorer engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties located in the mining-friendly jurisdictions of California and BC. This is a relatively new mining entity, completing its RTO on October 31, 2018 via a combination with Eureka Resources Inc. As always, this means an opportunity for new investors to enter on the ground floor. But while this is a new public listing, this is not a new company.

Kore Mining brings to the table a portfolio of prospective gold projects, including three that are already at an advanced stage of development. Combined, these projects have global resources of approximately 5 million ounces Au.

Dave Jackson of Stockhouse Media was joined live in-studio by Scott Trebilcock – Kore’s President and CEO and a 25-year mining industry veteran.

In this lively podcast, Mr. Trebilcock discusses the Kore’s trio of historic producing properties, how gold is still the go-to asset class for savvy investors, how his company has positioned itself an exploration leader in North America, and a variety of other informative gold mining topics.

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FULL DISCLOSURE: This is a paid article produced by Stockhouse Publishing.

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