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Stockhouse Media Exclusive: The Diamond Report

Stockhouse Media,
1 Comment| March 18, 2020

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Dean Taylor knows diamonds. In fact, the CEO of Diamcor Mining Inc. (DMI) (TSX-V:DMI, OTC:DMIFF, Forum) has been running DMI since 2007, and that's a long at the helm in the mining space. His company is an established, production-based diamond miner with properties in one of the world’s most prolific diamond mining regions – the Limpopo Province, South Africa.

And Diamcor produces a lot of diamonds. In past quarter the Company has also been perfecting their production circuit by re-running and testing already-processed ore. In doing so, their refinements have shown they have the potential to extracted as much as 30+ percent more diamonds from the virgin material through these refinements to processing, which would indicate their carat output should also increase on a per ton basis going forward at their already-prolific Krone-Endora at Venetia Project, adjacent to De Beers' flagship Venetia Diamond Mine.

Recently, Mr. Taylor sat down Stockhouse Media’s Cindy Broad at PDAC 2020 to discuss Diamcor’s flagship Krone-Endora Project, its strategic alliance with Tiffany & Co., along with a wide range of topics that company shareholders and mining investors are sure to find fascinating…and illuminating.
(Click image to play video)

FULL DISCLOSURE: This is a paid article produced by Stockhouse Publishing.

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