During the go-go days of the Federal Reserve's various incarnations of quantitative easing and prior to the current bear market for oil prices, master limited partnerships (MLPs) and the corresponding exchange-traded products were prized by income investors searching for yield in low-yield world.
However, the theory that MLPs are not intimately correlated to oil prices has been dealt a severe blow. Of the 25 worst-performing non-leveraged ETFs and ETNs over the past 12 months, 11 are MLP funds. Things have gotten so bad for the space that one issuer said earlier last week that it will shutter two leveraged MLP ETNs, one with over $100 million in ...
/www.benzinga.com/trading-ideas/long-ideas/16/01/6161736/expect-more-mlp-etfs-to-come-to-market alt=Expect More MLP ETFs To Come To Market>Full story available on Benzinga.com