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This Company has Billion Tonne Potential

BTV-Business Television BTV-Business Television,
3 Comments| February 17, 2017

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Copper Fox is based in North America, focused on Copper. The joint venture partner on our most significant project is Teck Resources Ltd. But we also have a package of grass roots projects we think has billion tonne potential in very stable jurisdictions. Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian based resource company with a Tier 1 listing on the TSX-Venture Exchange (CUU:TSX.V). The Company is focused on the exploration and development of large, low cost copper-gold projects in Canada and the United States. The company's wholly owned subsidiaries are Desert Fox and Northern Fox. Desert Fox holds all the assets of Copper Fox located in the United States and Northern Fox owns 65.4% of the common shares of Carmax Mining Corp. ("Carmax"). For more information on Copper Fox Metals (CUU:TSX.V) fill out the form below.

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