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Stay in Touch with Those Important People

BTV-Business Television BTV-Business Television,
1 Comment| April 2, 2019

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Neil Wainwright, CEO of UpHabit, discusses the company’s app that helps users stay connected and strengthen relationships with important people in their lives.

“I’m a serial entrepreneur, so I’ve had seven start-ups before this one, this is number eight. If you’ve ever felt the anxiety of meeting someone and realizing you didn’t stay in touch with them and you really should have stayed in touch with them. That’s what UpHabit is here to solve. We’re all very busy these days and we never stay in touch with the people who really want to stay in touch with. So, UpHabit’s core purpose is to help you stay in touch with those important people in your life. Typically in a business perspective. UpHabit is a personal CRM. So, this isn’t something a company would use to manage their relationships like you would with Salesforce or HubSpot or these other tools. It really helps you with you and your network. And it really carries you through all the various roles and jobs that you’ll have in your life. You can make notes about them, you can make notes about your conversations with them, you can start phone calls emails and text messages from within the app and we keep track of all of it, so you don’t have to worry about it and you don’t have to worry about losing track of people over time. UpHabit’s focus is our end users, we call them “Habiteers”. UpHabit gets paid on a subscription model so you download the app, if you have a small number of relationships it’s free but because of that it’s all about you and your personal network. We don’t sell your data. We’re not trying to make money off your data. Nothing about you leaves the company. It’s all about you and your relationships and everything we can do to help you with that. UpHabit’s now live on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.” – Neil Wainwright, CEO of UpHabit

UpHabit exists to help you develop deeper and more authentic high-quality relationships.

Your network is your net worth. Turn contacts from conferences, meetings, and casual interactions into extraordinary opportunities by simply changing how you connect.

  • Learn to become proactive with your relationships.
  • Create authentic relationships with the people you meet.

Don’t worry about forgetting anything. Learn the habit of setting smart reminders to improve relationships in need of nurturing.

  • Set reminders that keep you engaged with your network.
  • Follow up on opportunities that keep you in the lead.

Show your contacts that you care. Record notes of your interactions to keep better track of your conversations.

  • Display of all interactions in a timeline
  • Searchable notes that links to your contacts

For more information on UpHabitplease fill out the form below.


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