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Data speeds are increasing to 1.6T – what does that mean for you?

By POET Technologies The internet is getting faster and what’s making it happen is the increase in data speeds from 400G to 800G and 1.6T – and eventually beyond. Modern life demands these increases because our world has an insatiable desire for ban...

Psyence Group: natural psychedelics for mental health and wellbeing

Our next company works to help people with a focus on natural psychedelics. Psyence Group uses natural psilocybin products to heal psychological trauma and to calm the mind during someone’s last stage of life while in palliative care. Here with us toda...

HAVN Life Sciences: Using psychedelics, specifically mushrooms, to improve mental health

Mental health, as we know, controls a large part of how we interact with the world around us. Our next guest knows this and is working to improve the mental health of those struggling by using psychedelics, specifically mushrooms. Psychedelics are not federally l...

NervGen Pharma: A “Blockbuster Drug” in the Making?

It has the potential to be one of the most disruptive pharmaceutical drug therapies of the modern era, especially for treating Alzheimer’s disease. And that gives it considerable “blockbuster drug” potential – a tantalising opportunity tha...

Biopharma Co. Makes Major Headway Toward Clinical Trials for Treatment of Stroke

(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) Finding an effective method of preventing the possibility of stroke is something that medical science has grappled with for decades. Now, a Vancouver-based clinical stage biopharmaceutical development company looks to be making significa...

Shaping the Future of Regenerative Medicine Today

(Click image to play video) Hemostemix Inc. ( TSX-V: HEM , OTC: HMTXF , Forum ) is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on developing and commercializing a proprietary autologous cell therapy to treat ischemic diseases. The Company’...

Shaping the Future of Medicine by Delivering Regenerative Medicines

(Click image to play video) Envision a chest pain that feels like the most severe form of heartburn you ever experienced before. This is one of the main symptoms of ischemia – a disease which millions of people around the globe live with every day. Treati...

A Unique Play in the Hungry US Hemp Market

(Image via Cascadia Extracts.) Utilizing high capacity CO 2 extraction equipment to tap into the extremely underserviced hemp market, Cascadia Extracts ( P. CASCADIA , Forum ) uses unique technology to take advantage of the significant benefits associated w...

Living in a virus-controlled world

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to infect populations, though in some countries it is slowing, talk has shifted to re-opening economies, and to manufacturing a vaccine that drug companies hope will not only work, but can be distributed at large enough doses to provide ...

Is Coronavirus the Black Swan That Takes Gold To-Da-Moon?

Amid the worries about the coronavirus and its impact on the global economy, the US yield curve has briefly inverted again. Recession, anyone? And what exactly does the inversion imply for the gold market? Yield Curve Inverts Again Ooops, it happened again – the yield ...
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