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Consolidated Lithium prepares for future EV lithium demand

Consolidated Lithium Metals (TSXV:CLM) , formerly known as Jourdan Resources is a Canadian junior mining exploration company. The company is focused on the acquisition, exploration, production and development of mining properties focused on lithium. Consolidated Lit...

A New, Emerging Gold Discovery in Atlantic Canada

Back in May 2021 , Stockhouse Editorial introduced metals & mining investors to a company that was “Stalking Canada’s Next Great Gold Discovery.” Puma Exploration Inc . ( TSX-V.PUMA , OTCMKTS: PUXPF , Forum ) is a Canadian-based m...

Falcon-Gold Has Two Advanced Stage Projects Ready to Generate Cash Flow

It is unusual for a junior gold company to have as many properties as Falcon Gold Corp. ( TSX-V: FG ) , and rarer still for two of those projects to have reached such an advanced stage of development as to become cash-generating assets. With all that it has going on,...

Not Looking at Gold in Newfoundland? You Should Be

Although it may not get the acclaim of some other areas in Canada - think Yukon or the Abitibi Gold Belt - mining in Newfoundland and Labrador has a rich history going back to the early 1800’s when the province was the sixth biggest copper producer in the world...

Analyst: Without Drilling a Hole, Explorer's New Acquisitions Have Increased in Value

Note: Au = Gold, Ag = Silver, Cu = Copper, Zn = Zinc, Cu Eq. = Copper Equivalent at spot prices It has been a busy six weeks for Portofino Resources Inc. (POR:TSX.V; POT:FSE) . Six press releases have been issued. I will reiterate the key takeaways. But first an upd...

Standard Lithium Successfully Commissioned Demonstration Plant Despite COVID-19

The Critical Investor takes a look at the current dynamics of the lithium market, and speaks with the Standard Lithium's CEO about the firm's latest news. LiSTR demonstration plant at Lanxess project site After Standard Lithium Ltd. (SLL:TSX.V; ST...

Gold Producer's PEA 'Firms Up Growth Potential'

The contents of the report on Fiore Gold's Nevada project are reviewed by Mackie Research Capital Corp. In an April 9 research note, Mackie Research Capital Corp. analyst Stuart McDougall reported that Fiore Gold Ltd. (F:TSX.V; FIOGF:OTCQB) released a prel...

Gold Explorer Advancing Two Canadian Properties, Benefiting from New Brunswick Protection Status ...

Gold Explorer Advancing Two Canadian Properties, Benefiting from New Brunswick Protection Status of Mining Claims X-Terra Resources has the funding to simultaneously explore two of its properties. X-Terra Resources Inc.'s (XTT:TSX; XTR:FSE) gold...

Company Achieves Commercial Gold Production Early, on Budget

The details of this transition project in Nevada are discussed in a CIBC report. In an Oct. 28 research note, CIBC analyst Bryce Adams reported that Premier Gold Mines Ltd.'s (PG:TSX) "first project at South Arturo, El Niño underground, has achieved commercial produ...

MacDonald Mines building a significant Gold asset near Sudbury

Macdonald Mines Exploration Ltd. (TSX-V: BMK) (US Listing: MCDMF) (Frankfurt: 3M72) is encountering spectacular high-grade gold intercepts on stackings of thick gold zones using a predictive model at its 100%-owned 17,720 hectares SPJ Project, located ~33km SE of Sudbury, On...
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