Genius Brands International shares traded higher after the company reported that on Monday, June 15, it will be launching the new "Kartoon Channel!", which will be available in over 100 million U.S. television households and on 200 million mobile devices. Geni...
Streetwise Reports
June 15, 2020
The world’s most iconic precious metal has soared back into prominence in recent months, surpassing the $2,400 Canadian mark in mid-May. Yes, indeed, gold is back. Green River Gold Corp. (CCR) ( CSE.CCR , Forum ) was founded in the summer of 2017 by a g...
Dave Jackson
May 12, 2020
DENIO, Nevada -- I just toured the historic Ashdown Molybdenum/Gold Mine . Ashdown produced 16,000 ounces of gold (averaging 10 g/t) between 1880 and 1942 and was actively explored by some of the world’s largest mining companies in the 1980s and 90s. The ...
Andy Hoffman
October 28, 2012
My Torrey Hills colleagues and I toured Revett Minerals ' ( TSX: T.RVM , Stock Forum ) Troy silver and copper mine outside Noxon, Montana, 125 miles east of Spokane, Washington. Troy dates back to the early 1980s, when ASARCO operated it before putting it on care and mai...
Andy Hoffman
October 28, 2012
I just toured Andover Ventures ’ ( TSX: V.AOX , Stock Forum ) Tintic district property, 70 miles South of Salt Lake City, Utah. The 16,000 acre property, representing the third largest land holding in Utah, has cumulatively produced 2.3 million ounces of go...
Andy Hoffman
October 28, 2012
SILVER PEAK, Nevada –Most of us in natural resources are awestruck when we see an operating mine. It is a time-consuming piece of work: complex. Sometimes problematic and expensive – producing an ounce of gold. Scorpio Gold ’s ( TSX: V.SGN , Stock Forum ...
Andy Hoffman
October 28, 2012
PRICE, Utah - I had no idea Utah was such a prolific resource-producing region. Passing the giant Bingham Canyon open pit mine on my way to a natural gas project in the Uinta Basin, I was reminded otherwise. The combination of liberal political policies and bountiful depo...
Andy Hoffman
October 28, 2012
VIRGINIA CITY, Nevada -- Comstock Mining is, well, on the lode. Comstock carries the LODE ticker in the U.S. market. The company ( OTC:BB: LODE , Stock Forum ) just consolidated most of the mineralized property in Nevada’s historic Comstock Lode District...
Andy Hoffman
October 28, 2012
(Click image to play video) The booming financial technology, or fintech, sector is currently one of the hottest and most risk-adverse in capital markets today. And one Canada-based company is gaining significant traction and investor interest in this cutting-ed...
Dave Jackson
March 23, 2021
Canada's West Coast is home to numerous gold companies. The northern part of the province of British Columbia is home to the so-called Golden Triangle, which is known for its gold deposits. Gold production is driven by various companies. Precious metals are regarded by investo...
Mario Hose
January 17, 2020