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U.S. Treasury Removes China as Currency Manipulator

The U.S. has formally removed China as a currency manipulator, just ahead of the signing of the ‘Phase 1’ deal. Given its past record, will China really change its ways? Kenny Fisher There was another positive develop...

Gold and the Debasement of Currency Con

It is reasonably well known that many Roman emperors debased their currency (coinage). This was a very bad practice, since it is really a reflection of the debasement of the value of the kingdom (empire or country); going from a honest and just society to a corrupt and unjust ...

Rick Rule | The Perfect Contrarian Metal

Rick Rule of Sprott USA sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to outline his portfolio crisis response to ongoing financial crisis, and provides some considerations for your investment portfolio. We will address a number of issues rang...

The end of the global economy

The Trump administration has just granted its Commerce Department sweeping powers to slap tariffs on countries it decides are manipulating their currencies to the detriment of the United States and its exporting companies. For some this will come as news; at AOTH, it is c...

A Promising Opportunity Beyond the Many Seesaw Currency Moves

The euro bulls have been unable to sustain most of Friday’s gains, let alone build on them yesterday. Does it mean the return of range-bound euro, or is there more downside on the immediate horizon? After Monday’s strong showing of USD/JPY bulls...

Currency Wars Are Wars That Gold Wins in the End

July nonfarm payrolls came in line with expectations, confirming the strength of the U.S. labor market. So far so good. With the markets more focused now on the escalation of the trade war triggered by Trump’s tweet on Thursday., she stock market plunged while ...

The Currency Pairs to Watch Prior to FOMC Minutes and Jackson Hole

It’s often like this prior to market-moving events. Prices keep trading in a narrow consolidation, dropping subtle clues here and there. The context remains though, and coupled with the preceding price action, it allows to us to see the market tipping its hand....

International stocks with serious potential

This week we'll take a closer look at some actual stocks and country-related ETFs you can buy that capitalize on the strength of the country itself and that of its underlying currencies. To help clarify what we looked at last week, here's two currency charts featuring the ...

Searching for the most promising non-U.S. investment options

When scanning the various investment boards and forums on the Internet these days, it's obvious that most people have very low confidence both in the economy and the government's efforts to fix it. "Smoke and mirrors" is a common theme directed at the officials wh...

Feb 8th 2020, Silver Chartbook – The bigger picture

The bigger picture Silver prices are driven by several different factors, which are often opposing in effect. What is the bigger picture? There’s an inverse relationship between the strength of the US-Dollar and the price of silver. This is a c...
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