Analysts' reports on listed companies serve investors as an external source of information. As a rule, research houses publish their recommendations in connection with financing, the publication of financial statements or in order to increase awareness. The information is usua...
Mario Hose
August 20, 2020
Gaming has evolved from a pastime activity to become a career for some people and an educational tool for others. Gaming has produced some of the biggest global companies, such as Sony, Meta, Microsoft, and Tencent Holdings. How did companies like Microsoft and Meta get a...
July 29, 2024
Foreword: This tale grew from a chance nugget discovery along the shore of a humble Yukon creek carving through the remote Territory and became the great history of the Klondike Gold Rush. Join author James Kwantes as he touches down in the Yukon with 12 exciting stories and c...
James Kwantes
August 15, 2019
(Image via PopReach) The video game market has gone from an entertainment afterthought in the 2000’s to the largest media market in the world. But what’s the best way for investors to play in the space? Many instinctively look to th...
Stockhouse Editorial
July 8, 2020
(Click image to play video) Through a mix of infrastructure-as-a-service and an upgraded, high-performance cloud offering, AMPD Ventures Inc. , ( CSE.AMPD , Forum ) through its operating subsidiary AMPD Technologies , is meeting the low-latency requirement...
Dave Jackson
October 8, 2020
This company, active in the gaming industry since 2014, has just gone public and is looking to unleash its own high-growth consolidation strategy. Lets face it: gamers love games. While currently there's a dearth of real sports activity, that doesn't mean pe...
Streetwise Reports
May 6, 2020
(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) The online e-gaming industry is no longer just a phenomenon, it’s now globally omnipresent and is expected to reach $257 billion dollars in revenue by 2025. In fact, There are more than 2.7 billion video gamers around ...
Dave Jackson
June 10, 2021
With my involvement at Heelo, I have learned a lot about the new advertising world. There has been and still is a huge transformation taking place to digital advertising. You have experience with this from Google and Facebook that along with YouTube see the most web traf...
Streetwise Reports
May 27, 2020
What does the future of casino gaming look like? Well, just imagine, for a moment, being on a cruise, playing the tables at the casino, and you hit a patch of rough waters. Well, Jackpot Digital, it seems, has thought of this. They signed a deal in 2017 with Carni...
Brieanna McCutcheon
November 14, 2022
Teaser: Let’s face it, we live in a world of radical uncertainty. Yet we’re supposed to make perfectly rational decisions – so, how do we cope with the unknown? We tell narratives, and form our decisions around them! Let’s...
Arkadiusz Sieron
December 2, 2019