stocktracker101 wrote: LOL.... He also gave advice and bragged posting his buys at 3.27/share back in Ocober last year just before the stock fell off a cliff to 1.71... You should have taken his advice then as well.
His prediction are ridiculous. There have been several unforseeable circumstances that have arised since march 2019 and highrider didnt mention any of them... Supply shortages, health canada delays, missed financials by major LP's and the overall pathetic roll out of retail accross the country.... 
Anyway., if anyone on this board believes they can see the future, they are insane...
Please post articles, facts and numbers supporting your arguments... Not unsubstantiated nonesense and gibberish. You guys sound like the impeachment inquiry...
I heard from a guys sister that told a lady about the story that they heard from a friend by evesdropping on the brother of the ambassador's cell phone call.....
"theressurection". give me break. this guy thinks he is a god. its unbelievable and really pathetic. His return has just lowered the IQ of this board by 60 points minimum.
He is not worth the aggravation as his posted nonsense will have no effect what so ever on the overall performance of this company and its shareholders. 

Hope that helps. Aleafia looong!!!