For two years, my theme has been a takeover and it's a fact that it will happen!

Secondly, nice try at a soft bash but the real shareholders know who's who and I truly doubt you own any APH.

I give you little but some credit. In fact, be proud as you elicited a response from me at least!
99.9% of your kind are on ignore or don't have what it takes to get highlighted with a response from me. So, in essence, if I don't respond I'm saying you aren't worth it. Basically, you're a l0ser and a poor mental midget!
I liked the sleekness of your play on innoncence while being fox like at the same time.
You are too transparent though. "I too was a prof follower and believer"...sure, you were LOL
Nice one! NOT. Your game needs work kid!


Remember this post. The final hurdle to a takeover is the third reading being passed and royal assent. AFTER THAT, LOOK FOR A HUGE MULTI NATIONAL TO ACQUIRE A PIECE OF APHRIA AND THEN EVENTUALLY ALL OF IT DOWN THE ROAD!

Leggy67 wrote: This will sound offensive and it’s not intended to be for I too was a prof follower and believer- and yes for that I’ve made some investment in aph because of that- maybe I’m a fool for believing but I guess I simply enjoyed someone else believing so strongly in aph as I once did- but for the last three months you have been wrong consistently so with all respect why is now the time for longs to rejoice-and please don’t try and sell June 7 as a big deal cause it’s not going to move anyone unless it’s delayed !

just the facts thanks