quietobserver wrote: Ya jumped .50 in the last half hour on almost 2M shares 
Alloparc wrote: I just read this too. Sounds more like the banks are testing waters than TRST actively looking, but who knows.
gottahunch wrote:
Early search for CannTrust buyer underway amid Health Canada probe: Sources https://www.bnn.ca/1.1289171


A buyer of TRST could salvage the 72000 patient business.  However the buyer would have to take on the risk of lawsuits from shareholders.  The buyer could arrange with the major shareholders  if the buyer takes over lawsuits will be dropped.  Also the buyer could arrange with HC that the licenses are not revoked under the new management and ownership.  The key for TRST is to act fast and salvage the 72000 patient business.   As for buyers that could pull this off the top ones are CRON and WEED.  They have cash.  CRON would be the most likely as they currently do not burn through much cash like WEED does. APHA could also be in the mix.