Re: Phytalytics d/b/a Phytalab & Abattis vs. Herbal Analytics, Affinor, et. al.
Date February 26th 2015
Defendants in the case of Phytalytics d/b/a Phytalab and Abattis vs. Herbal Analytics & Affinor filed a counter suit against Phytalab and Abattis seeking damages for their work when they were with Phytalab and Abattis. The case is pending in the Superiour Court of Washington in King Conty. The Defendants have also filed claims against Abattis’s former executive office Michael Withrow. 
The Defendant Lauren Hilty is seeking damages for unpaid wages, breach of contract, and breach of fiduciary duties. Hilty, who has a part ownership in Phytalab, claims that Abattis and Phytalab promised to pay reasonable salaries for work rendered but later refused. Hilty also claims that Abattis had investigated into the possibility of expanding Phytalab into other States, but later indicated that they would significantly reduce her ownership in any expansion. Hilty claims that was a breach of fiduciary duties owed to her and some of her co-defendants. These claims are similar to the counter claims of Dr. Kaleb Lund, who has previously filed counter-claims late last year. 
James Baxter, who was essential in putting Phytalab and Abattis together has also filed a counter claim against Abattis and Michel Withrow claiming that they had agreed to pay 300,000 shares in Abattis and $100,000 cash from Phytalab for his work, but later refused. Baxter seeks damages for that refusal.
Finally, Herbal Analytics, LLC, also filed claims for abuse of process and for damages to its reputation in both US and Canada. Herbal Analytics claims that the claims asserted by Phytalab and Abattis were done to disparage it, to scare off investors, and to put them out of business. Herbal Analytics claim the case in King County, Washington brought was not brought for a legitimate purpose. Herbal Analytics has not completed its legal counter attacks yet.