--Subscribe Technologies announced the pre-launch of fintech service Lendertech.Com on September 19th , 2017. The Company continues to improve our line of Software-as-aService applications.

--Management has been overseeing the Company’s foreign software development team to ensure quality assurance and security with our application line-up.

In 2017, the market for microfinance investments in micro, small and medium enterprises, as well as the provision of financial services to those businesses, is projected to grow by an average of 10% to 15%, the highest growth rate is expected in Asia Pacific, driven by developments in India and strong growth in the region. Globally, the private sector alone invests an estimated USD 10 billion in microfinance.

Subscribe Technologies LenderTech platform is designed to service the growth within the international FinTech microfinance sector by offering an easy to use cloud based loan management system that keeps track of borrowers, loan approvals, payments and missed payments, accrued interest, human resources and dozens of other features.

       LenderTech.com has been in development by the Subscribe Technologies team for the past six months and plans to officially                         launch the service in beta imminently.

President and CEO Paul Dickson states, "In-line with our strategy to acquire and develop business related SaaS operations, identifying and researching the microfinance sector led to the initial interest in offering a loan management platform without adding additional overhead to our daily operations. I believe we’ll see client adoption of LenderTech post launch and see it being one of our profitable assets moving forward.”

What is LenderTech

LenderTech is a platform designed to service the growth within the international FinTech microfinance sector by offering an easy to use cloud based loan management system that keeps track of borrowers, loan approvals, payments and missed payments, accrued interest, human resources and dozens of other features.