If you were a Clifton Star shareholder on or before November 12, you can vote your proxy on or before the December 15 deadline. It is time to send a message to management by voting "withhold" regarding re-election of the board of directors. 
Voting instructions
If you have not received your voting materials please call your broker and ask them if they can get for you your control number so you can proceed to vote. 

1. For Canadian accounts, go to investorvote.com .
    For U.S. accounts go to proxyvote.com .

2. Enter your control number. This is a long, unique number given to every shareholder stock account. If you use multiple stockbrokers, you will have multiple control numbers, and need to vote with each one separately.

3. Select "vote according to my instructions"

4. Regarding directors: select "withhold all nominees"

5. Regarding auditors, select "vote for".