Now that the 500K is confirmed in Petro One’s bank account as of the close Friday we now know KMDC is a real partner not an illusion. KMDC went over and above the requirement that was needed to keep the JV contract intact. If you have had any doubt that this deal was real, that doubt has now been removed, full stop.

KMDC had until midnight to provide a wire; they did much better than that. KMDC our new Korean partner provided 400K by wire long before the deadline and they even had 100,000K hand delivered to a Bank in Canada to show good faith to the markets and Petro One for working capital purposes. Basically their actions said here’s Korea’s 500K and it came sooner and in a more readily usable fashion for Petro One Energy than was required in the contract.  

Now use logic again and look in the mirror asking yourself would the Korean’s put 500K into Petro One and then deliver zero after that? Korea would be shooting themselves in the foot as the rest of the money is needed to drive their equity higher (that's the secret to the financial engineering of this deal) furthermore If the Korean’s don’t deliver the rest of the money Petro One now has a 500K War Chest paid for by the Korean’s to sue the Korean’s. Would you hand somebody 500K so they could sue you with your own money ?

Korean’s are not stupid, if KMDC was walking from this deal no money would have come Friday.

Now that we have the money in the bank, it’s obvious what to do. The market opens at 6:30am Monday.

Always do your due-diligence.

We seek safe harbour.