"It was made very clear in the speeches given by Government Officials and Chairman Lee that they consider $100,000,000 in funding to be the first step in a longer term, more comprehensive arrangement with Petro One".

And from GSR/POP first vertical well drilled in February:

the SR-1 vertical wildcat well at South Reston, Manitoba (5-17-6-26W1). Drilling encountered a large Waulsortian mound with a strong oil show in a 20 metre interval at the top of the Mississippian Lodgepole formation, which was the targeted formation. Cuttings from 790 to 810 metres drill depth had medium brown oil stain, vivid fluorescence and fluorescent cut, and emitted a strong petroliferous odor during sample wash. 

I wonder what's going to happen when they redrill that well horizontally ;) I constantly find myself daydreaming wondering is this real ? Going back over ever news release for the last year or 2 just screams that we are going to be successful. IMO it's not if we are going through the roof, just how far will this will go. In time you will be able to look back and think "god it was so obvious".

Always do your due-diligence.

We seek safe harbour.