Episode 2595a is a very important Series A report put out by X22Reports.  

When this illusion ends, and GOLD is no longer manipulated, will investors be tripping over themselves to get any gold stock that represent GOLD in the ground?   

When people learn that FIAT MONEY is pretty much worthless, where will they put whatever money they have?  Into more Central Bank [CB] FIAT money?  I won't.  Will you?

These delays that GOLD investors have been forced into could prove to be a blessing in disguise.  The perfect STORM is brewing and it is on the horizon.  It is going to be a BIG STORM and it could take the power out for those who still  have some control left? 

So when will this happen?  Well, GESARA Law is already being implemented around the world.  NESARA has already started to be implemented in the USA.

So why is it NOT being reported on the news?  Good question.  The answer may surprise you but it makes sense.  The same people that own the CENTRAL BANKS control the MAINSTREAM MEDIA and THEY don't want YOU to hold onto YOUR gold.   

Meanwhile, they want to take it from you by manipulating the GOLD price to get you to sell your GOLD SHARES.  You saw it happen this past week.  The big drop and then the move back up.  Ask yourselves what changed to drive the price of gold down the way it was driven down this past week?  The answer is NOTHING happened to drive the price down.  It just fell with the use of PAPER (aka manufactured GOLD). 

The virtual match is being lit to the paper GOLD as we speak.  REAL GOLD has been melted down and microchipped.  In the near future (with GESARA being implemented) ONLY MICROCHIPPED gold will be traded.  No more statistical GOLD which does not exist. Only real gold will exist and TRADE. Currently it is estimated that there are 100 paper ounces for every REAL OUNCE out there.  Imagine what happens when a virtual match is taken to ALL that Paper GOLD. 

You think I'm kidding?  Do some research.  LEARN.  Educate yourselves and take advantage of what is coming.  Nothing can stop what is coming.  Nothing!  It can only be delayed while we live in this ILLUSION.  That illusion is going to fade as people are waking up in ever growing numbers. 

Sure, this is tough for many people to believe but more and more, people are waking up to the fact that something is NOT RIGHT with all the TYRANY that all people are being subjected to these days.  No masks, one mask, two masks, take the vaccine and STILL WEAR a mask. 

If this makes sense to you then you will never wake up.  If it does not make sense then you are waking up.  It is the same with PAPER GOLD.  It makes NO SENSE. The [CB] know that people are learning which is why they don't allow it to be reported on TV.  THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW.  They are stalling as long as possible but, the more they stall the more people wake up. They are losing the information war and SOON they will lose control over the Main Stream Media.

Dig a little to see if all this COVID stuff makes any sense to you.   Dig to see what NEWS Main Stream Media has been holding from you.  It is out there and you can find it. 

Eg.  When a million people demonstrated in London England a few days ago the media reported that there were only a few hundred.  The video showed an endless line of people in the streets. If you dig you can see that the MSM reporting was a lie.  

Canada is slow to wake up.  Countless other examples are evident world wide.  Use 'Duck Duck Go' to do your searching in order to find all the information.  

Copy this post and learn.  Keep digging.  Keep watching.  Things are happening.  Big changes are coming this year to the way the world is being run.  Do you want to get caught without GOLD in your portfolio?   Timing is Everything. 

Meanwhile view the link below.  Copy the URL so that you can access future reports.  Your investment in GOLD may be assisted by it in the future.   It is your decission to make.  If I disappear from here I wish you all good luck. 

Click and LISTEN and LEARN from EP2495a