WASHINGTON, D.C. - Virginia Congressman Tom Garrett introduced legislation Monday that aims to federally decriminalize marijuana.

If passed, the bill would take marijuana off the federal controlled substances list.

"I have long believed justice that isn't blind, isn't justice. Statistics indicate that minor narcotics crimes disproportionately hurt areas of lower socioeconomic status and what I find most troubling is that we continue to keep laws on the books that we do not enforce," Garrett said.

The Congressman says decriminalizing marijuana would allow states "to determine appropriate medicinal use and allows for industrial hemp growth."

According to Garrett, the decriminalization would promote an economic boost to the agricultural and hemp industries.

The bill, titled Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017, was originally introduced in 2015 by Senator Bernie Sanders.

According to Congress's website, the text for the new bill is not available as of Tuesday, February 28.