First time poster and currently averaging in any these levels.  

Heres a quick 'back of a napkin' calculation.   It does not account for exporting and is riddled with one major assumption.   The Canadian market will mirror the Colorado market across a all facets and components.  I think Coloarda is an excellent proxy 

According to :,%20July%209,%202014%5b1%5d.pdf

2014 Colorado market was 130 Metric tons = 130,000 kgs
CO population was 5.363 million
9% of population used marijuana 
implies 485,000 users
implies 0.2680 kg/user

Canadian Population is 36.2 million
9% users implies 3,258,000 users
at 0.2680 kg/user implies a total market of 873,144 kgs

From Emblem Pre-IPO Prospectus the combined projected capacity of Organigram, Aphria, Emblem, Mettrum and Canopy is 104,300 kgs

That combined capacity is only 12% of the projected market size using Colorados metrics.

Sooooo...Im buying at these levels.    

Am I missing something?