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Resource Capital Gold Corp GDPEF

RF Capital Group Inc is a financial services firm. The company's operating segment includes Wealth Management and Corporate. It generates maximum revenue from the Wealth Management segment. The operations segment provides carrying broker services to third parties, including trade execution, clearing, and settlement services.

GREY:GDPEF - Post by User

Comment by LeftBookon May 29, 2019 1:09pm
Post# 29782120

RE:Question -

RE:Question -
Osprey low debt. $2.595M market cap/288,000oz = $9/oz. All inferred.
The ANX / OREX merger valued goldboro at $15/oz with a PEA. I imagine that Forest Hill and Tangier would be valued at lower priced per oz, say $10/oz for less well developed resource and without a PEA.
Goldboro was 457,400 Measured and Indicated ounces of gold and 372,900 Inferred ounces.
Osprey is approximately $10/oz for inferred. 
If Goldboro went for $15/oz with a 50/50 mix of indicated and inferred.
That suggests that indicated is valued at $20/oz.
Forest Hill has about 326,700 ounces including 73,500oz of measured. 
Tangier has 173,200 inferred ounces. 
73,500oz measured at 20/oz   $1,470,000
426,400oz inferred at 10/oz  $4,260,000
Total $5,734,000
The exploration assets are carried at $1.278 million on the balance sheet.


Dufferin's indicated and inferred are baked into the development project.
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