Purchased stock of Crest Resources.  US Market Cap of $3,350,000.  I checked the values of their ownership of stock in other companies:

Exploits Discovery 15,442,500 shares .4544/sh = $7,017,072.
Volatus Capital 10,715,667 shares .15/sh can. used .1181 us = $1,265,520.
Origen Resources 4,200,000 shares .1575 us = $661,500
Opawica Explorations 1,575,000 shares .1148 us = $180,810
Total of share value:   $9,124,902.
Total Market Cap US: $3,350,000. 

The value of stock ownership is $5,774,902 great than the market cap.

Now lets add the value of the private companies also owned by Crest Resources:

Ausvan Battery Metals 60% Ownership   AusVan Battery Metals is a vanadium developer with its agship Allaru Vanadium Project located in the North West Minerals Province, Queensland, Australia.

Chala Copper 78.3% Ownership:  Peru Copper     https://crestresourcesinc.com/projects/chala-copper/

Carbon Foundry 50% Ownership:   https://crestresourcesinc.com/projects/carbon-foundry-corp/

Chapel Island Gold 100% Ownership.  Part of the Newfoundland Gold Rush  https://crestresourcesinc.com/site/assets/files/3741/image2-32.png

Gazeebow North Gold 75% Ownership.  More of the Newfound Gold Rush   https://crestresourcesinc.com/projects/gazeebow-north-gold/  

The Newfoundland Gold Rush:  https://exploitsdiscovery.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Exploits-Subzone-Area-Play-Map-v2-Nov-2020.pdf

You can buy into Crest Resources for 1/3 of their actual stock value holdings and that does not included the values of the Private Companies listed above.  

Do your own research.