this is worse than you think....
the new financing is more important than just a financing, without it NMX can not withdraw on previous financing and they are done without new financing....
If I was Softbank I would have Guy by his balls on this one...Guy would dance the way I want him to dance....and do not think for a second that was not planned this way...
I told you before many times that Guy is not a good deal maker and he will screw up....he basically put NMX in a possition where they have no barganing power at all....

Why did Resources QC sell half of their investment before the financing? they already made a profit on the 50% they sold and the remaining 50% is free, are they losing anything? nope....
who has investment in NMX? Softbank...they can easilly take it over for pennies in the dollar, take it private so they can get read of all the garbage that Guy made, all warrants, retail shareholders, bonds gone to ZERO and they can continue the build and have a billion dollar company all for that's a good deal....

I told you many times this management is not to be trusted and is not on your side...if they are not knowingly doing all this, then they are plain stupid people...if they are smart, then they take advantages of you, fill their pockets and go to Bahamas and enjoy the rest of their scumbag lifes