Secret formula for becoming a junior mining stock bagholder:

1. Buy shares of a junior exploration stock that's up big in the last few weeks because you're greedy and can't stand missing out on the party. Your friend also gave you a hot tip that this company was about to release some really bullish drill results. 

2. Surround yourself with other people who are also bullish on this stock and only read articles/information that confirm your bias.

3. When the company releases 'great news' and the stock sells off hard you should become convinced that the market is wrong and/or manipulated. There could be no other explanation for your stock to drop other than 'weak hands', short sellers trying to suppress the stock price (even when the stock has no shares sold short), or the catchphrase 'manipulation'. The news was really good because your friends told you so.

4. Ignore the chart because after all Eric Sprott said that "TA is bullshit" so why would you care about the technical sell signals that could have saved you a lot of money?

5. Focus on your opinion and the opinions of your friends who are also holding underwater shares in the stock. Outside views that don't confirm your bias are to be ignored because they are clearly coming from bashers and haters who want to 'pick up shares on the cheap' from the 'weak hands'.

6. Keep holding and hoping. After all, you're a long term investor and not in it for a quick flip (even though when you first bought the stock you were planning to sell and take profits after the company released the bullish news you had gotten the 'hot tip' about.....).

7. Buy more at lower prices to lower your average cost, and eventually go all-in on this one junior exploration stock that 'is not suitable for most investors' and 'could easily lose 100% of its value'.

8. Get a job.