Win or lose money in 2021 a new year is coming . Information is power and while we All have our methodes of trading . Flipping , shorting , playing long with a run protecting principle and holding a core I Urge  you to consider this . Info vs spam ?. Attacking a stock with nothing to back it up . A personnel bash so spam in violation of stockhouse rules add Vulgarity with some fun different word to saw ??  . Out right lies and yes borderline or Over the line attacks on the company or its insiders and ceo . Slander. And while these anon nics think they are insulated and can hide behind there keyboard warrior screens they are NOT(Next Post Will Prove This ) . SH does the best they can to Erase this stuff as some  Companys PAYS them to addvertize . So yes in 2022 . Click the abuse button and SEE what the infractions are that SH wants to keep these boards cleanand providing info GOOD Or Bad  . Then you will SEE and KNOW when these multiple Alias are burying info to the detriment of the board and those investors that want information not drivel and spam bash , trash posts . Sometimes you will  get an Error try later . Thats the few nics the trolls and alias PAY SH to be a member . Frogzilla the orignal LMAO yah the guy with BIG Likes has pointed this out . Simple . Copy . Hit abuse and Paste to SH . We can clean up these boards big time and burn these scumbag shorts HUGE .Do your part . When you need 60 plus alias to make your point and they get picked off on a regular basis what do YOU Think ? A barrage of alias that want nothing more then to short stocks and discredit any poster that puts out INFORMATION that WE the Longs Can decide if its RELEVANT or not as ITS OUR MONEY RIGHT ? Bring on 2022 and lets make this board something new investors WANT TO Read . NOT The circus the scumbag short bashers DICTATE . Drop the damn Mike and hell yes bring on 2022.  Yes some of these losers got burned . Heres just one example and there are more . Yes  I made you a promise in this post right ? Its Coming Cheers Longs .