1- the 3 month waterflow rate test is well underway and will be completed in Jan.2015, also the cavern test will be completed at that time. This is what is holding everything up, once the lenders get the results ( which should be very positive ) we should be good to go.

2- the finnacing funds will be coming almost all at once for the most part.

350 million from Developement banks

150 million from reg. banks in Europe and the USA

100 Million from our partners, ICL, Lib. Mining & metals, World Bank.

50 Million when need from the market when share price is up and the funds are need (if needed)

3- The largest construction company in China ( and maybe the world ) wants to be the builder of our mining operation and if they are, than they will take a stake in Allana. They are the main builder in Ethiopia at this time on many projects.

4- we gave Yara water to conduct testing on their SOP and they in turn shared the results with us, the testing went very well, but we will need to conduct our own test on SOP which we are doing now.

5- MOP is selling for over $300 per ton right now, China is paying north of $700 per ton for SOP so it is very atractive to mine SOP. K+S of Germany is the largest producer of SOP which has a very high cost to produce so for us to mine it for under $100 per ton is very attractive to some.

6- SOP would be mined in a new company owned by shareholders but not till MOP plant is being built and is well on it's way to being completed. it would be mined in the Hgh SOP area of our operation and another partener would be helping us with this. (K+S ??)

7- ICL is having major problems back home, be it taxes or the fact that the Dead Sea mine will be closing sooner than later as the Gov. will not extend the minning operations as requested by ICL.

8- ICL has moved one of their key persons from England to Ethiopia to run their operations ( Allana's operations) ICL have earmarked over 1 Billion dollars for their Ethiopian operations

9- Farhad said many times "if" ICL buys us out or becomes the "main operator" it would be for MOP, but if they act sooner than later than they would also have the SOP.

10- we have over 20 million in the bank and once all the work and testing and such are completed in Q/1 well will still have over 10 million in the bank.

I get the feeling that we are closer to the end game than we think, it could be before Christmas ( I did ask if we would have a happy christmas, he did not discount this) But I think if someone else starts to pony up money ICL will make us a good offer, they do not want to be pushed out by someone else IMHO.

That is all I can think of right now, till next time.