“Official” Short Reports are Hyper Inaccurate:

In terms of percent short data I do not even look at "official #s" as have proven they are false in the past. On Karora (OTCQX:KRRGF) have seen times when the total short shares reported was less than half what was being borrowed by shorts just from my accounts and my friends had 5 times more than that being borrowed by shorts. Another stock SAEX (OTC:SAEX) was reported as 2% short yet 100% of my stock was borrowed and it short squeezed up over 200% in one day on no news and on over 100% of all stock being traded that day! So again, have found "official" numbers to be near worthless. Here is more info on that in relation to ENSV which short squeezed more times than any other stock have ever seen.


This chart on ENSV under reports the short squeezes as they often happened in aftermarket with 30% moves in 15 minutes common on huge volume. The first 25% of chart shows that period. Then it quieted. Then 2-22-2022 it mega squeezed from .60 to $8.50 in a few weeks on massive volume. Several days the volume was over 100% of all stock. Imagine that happening for Recon Africa.


Current Short Volume 666,900 shares

Previous Short Volume 577,500 shares

Change Vs. Previous Month +15.48% Dollar Volume Sold Short $0.00

Short Interest Ratio / Days to Cover 0.6

Last Record Date February, 15 2022 Outstanding Shares 11,433,000 shares, Float Size 11,150,000 shares

Short Percent of Float 5.98%

As you can see above the short reports said ENSV was 6% short when my reports said 95% and the mega short squeeze that happened right after that, proved my broker lend reports were the accurate ones.

More: Shorts lent about 670,000 shares of PQEFF from me alone 2-25-2022 out if of 673,000 have at IB. At the same time a friend had over 1 million lent at IB. Yet Short Reports said only 725,000 are short everywhere. IB is proportional, so 99.5% is short for everyone at IB in reality whereas worthless short reports falsely claim about 1.5% is. And on top of that OTC stocks do not legally require brokers report short interest at all. It is not just OTCs with no reporting rule, have found all stocks normally have invalid short numbers in so called short reports.

Is Short Money “Smart” Money?

I can tell you after specializing in buying heavily shorted stock the answer is no. It is generally “dumb” money. I have a friend you works for one of the last short hedge funds out there, as almost all have gone broke. He told me two years ago they had about 18 months left before they would have to shut down. The bear market that started in Fall of 2021 saved them.

My biggest dollar winner stock in 2020 was Electrovaya, it 15 bagged. During that 15 bagger it averaged being over 50% short. The shorts were killed by that run and made it go further than if no shorts were in it.

How Paid Short Bashers Operate:

I can spot them a mile away. They spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) yet when you ask them if they are short, they always say no. So why are they on the boards? They claim there to “help” others. Other paid bashers pretend to be long or neutral, but sow FUD without seeming all that negative.

Never trust a negative comment unless they poster says they are short. And then realize the are not objective, so be careful. But they may say something true if they admit they are short. Note in a way they are not lying if they say they are not short, as they are paid bashers, working for the shorts and may not even have a stock account.

Recon Africa and the Shorts:

One of the biggest paid basher attacks have ever seen is the one on Recon/RECAF/RECO on TSX. The reason is big money. IB Brokers has been lending out 71% of RECAF stock to shorts. If just 50% is short system wide, that is about $500 million profit potential for shorts and if the stock triples a $1 Billion loss potential. A 10 bagger is about a $5 Billion loss potential. That justifies paying bashers, hiring a front organization to file lawsuits to prevent drilling on fake premises, etc.  

IB Report: RECAF 2022-07-15 New Loan Allocation SLB.71176033 -8,205

That is out of 11,500 shares I have in that particular account. So RECAF is 71% short. It has been running about that for weeks. A super high level of shorting that makes a short squeeze easy.

Short hedge fund Viceroy has officially attacked RECO

June 24, 2021 – “Viceroy Research is short Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd (TSXV:RECO), a junior oil miner specializing in stock promotion and insider enrichment.

RECO’s mining assets are not highly speculative: they are borderline imaginary. Despite a CAD >1bn market cap, RECO has a near-zero chance of finding any asset of value in their exploration site, and an even lower chance to capitalize on any find.”

So motive and means to falsely attack RECAF. Viceroy has told flat out lies, such as that RECAF will not find one drop of oil in Namibia.

I have never seen a stock with more short paid bashers than RECAF.

Viceroy is facing bankruptcy. If RECAF reports even 200bopd in an open hole test tomorrow the stock could triple. 1,500 bopd test maybe 10 bagger. The mother of all short squeezes could happen with margin calls. And since paid bashers are part of the attack, whoever is paying them, deserves bankruptcy. 

Mysteries in "Short World" 

I have found many mysteries in "short world". So called IB to learn from their top expert. After 10 mins he said I knew more than he did. Yet many things have seen, have never found explanation for. Probably some people do understand what is going on, but they are not talking in public.  For the most bizarre things in terms of dangerous short positions, have guessed it is naked shorts who cannot cover, but just guessing.