1) Tourmaline = largest nat gas producer in Canada and is the cheapest most efficient producer, winner TOU
2) Tourmaline has a much higher Insider ownership of shares than ARC, winner TOU
3) ARC price to book is 2.6 Tourmaline has a price to book of 1.07, winner TOU
4) Tourmaline has a market cap of over 10 billion, ARC is 7 billion, winner TOU
5) Tourmaline has an EPS of 3.25, ARC is .53, winner TOU
6) Tourmaline has significantly fewer outstanding share, winner TOU
7) Tourmaline has a P/E ratio of 10, Arc has a P/E of 19 therefore Tourmaline is a better value, winner is TOU
8) Both TOU and ARC have great management but TOU has much better mgmt specifically Mike Rose and his team are spectacular when compared to any other management team, winner TOU
9) TOU had 1.7b of debt and ARC has 1.6b of debt however, TOU produces 500,000 boe / day and ARC produces quite a bit less at 169,000 boe per day, therefore the debt levels for these companies are essentially the same, however TOU produces 3 times more boe per day than ARC, winner TOU
10) TOU has more institutional as well as insider ownership of share. As well TOU has more cash in the bank than ARC does, Winner TOU.
There isn’t really any metrics that ARC beats TOU on, if there it would be very minor as the main metrics to measure a company by Tourmaline wins on them all.