"Sale what price? Sale who? What type of devices? Only the management of Bombardier is entitled to this information ... Weird ... the AMF should intervene because the company also belongs to the shareholders, moreover, investors have the RIGHT to know exactly what they are investing in and if the price paid is fair, reasonable and without tricks!"

My Reply.

I agree totally with the second part of the post. This company treats it's shareholders like second class citizens. We are entitled to know what's going to a great extent. I understand that Bombardier may want to hide certain things from their competitors, so as to keep ahead and not give secrets out. But as shareholders we need to know what is going on with the company affecting our investment. They are very bad with this informational highway. It's probably the fault of PB wanting to keep investors in the dark, from all the mistakes he makes with this company which he almost Bankrupt. All this secrecy comes from the control that the dual share structure gives them. What the AMF should do is investigate the company and force PB to resign from the company. I don't know if the AMF has the power to do this? Or they're just the same as IRROC toothless.
But I for one would welcome some honesty from this company.